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Posts posted by ff_silen

  1. 19 hours ago, seby13 said:

    @Arturs Hi, since ppl are now at 100 resets working towards the 200 majestic was wondering if this system will be the same on Medea. Rewards are kinda low for the amount of time it takes on this server to get 100rr not even mentioning the ml.

    Also, when ppl get RH and all of them are in devias, since it's the only map to lvl after rr, will you add more spots if necessary? It feels quite bad now after reset since we are forced to ks or you don't get levels. I feel like low level maps will be an even bigger issue due to the lack of spots.

    You can level in elbeland also, it's a very good leveling spot for early level * there is a spot = to ice queen spot but has more of the mobs.

  2. On 10/17/2020 at 7:32 PM, pyromaniac said:

    Slayer : 

    Passives  : Cyclone strengther,Twisting slash strengther,Rageful blow strengther,Sword inertia strengther All these skills decrease ur dmg instead of increase it !...

    Sword inertia mastery-dont increase range

    Buff skill : Demolish - Decrease  ur dmg

    Test all of these skills on monsters and notice they didn't work right.



    I tested as well it increases the range from my point of view, i remember when i got it first time i was happy with small range increase but maybe i was just delusional looking at increased visuals. We will see after they check it out.

  3. 11 hours ago, pyromaniac said:

    maybe he have min dmg roll on that hit ... who knows?

    maybe his next ignore def hit wus 50k ? maybe not... who knows?

    testers must chek it then say somth ...

    or make a video atleast 

    Was about to say the same. Damage is really subjective some times, but could also be a bug.

  4. Bro, i knew you were trying to get me suspension, and i know what i wrote nothing violates the rules, i'm a bit toxic, you killed me while i farm gold for my chars to reset and you're way weaker i oneshot you bro ? what's the problem if you kill people who farm? Also you killed me 8 times in a row by the way mauling at me because you deal low damage it takes a lot of time to kill xD

  5. My raven hasn't died once bro i put 3 bless total on it but i don't think they were neccecarry i think horse and raven are immortal, or just put repair items, repair muun, in helper and it will automatically keep your pet alive. RESTORES IT WITH JEWEL OF BLESS. but < not needed.

  6. On 6/3/2020 at 9:27 AM, Arturs said:

    Hello. Done


    Tier 1: Battle scepter, Master scepter
    Tier 2: Great scepter, Lord's scepter, Shining scepter 
    Tier 3: Great lord scepter, Striker scepter
    Tier 4: Soleil scepter
    Archangel weapons: Dark Lord
    Socket weapons: Absolute scepter, Thunderbolt
    Mastery weapons: Blood Angel, Dark Angel, Holy Angel, Soul, Blue eye

    Is it possible to make Blessed Divine Scepter of Archangel ?

  7. Hey to be honest i'm in debenter, and i have no problems with durability and repair cost but i'm still on lower tier mobs and items. It probably gets much worse if you're addressing it like this, also i have 6 piece zen set and collect all zen around me. Is the high repair cost because of higher grade items cost more to repair, wouldn't it be possible to just reduce repair costs ? instead of trying to fix fast durability loss?

    • Like 1

  8. TBH early game with DL(if u want to have dmg) 3kstr 2k agi 8k ene. and so on try to max energy first and keep str as a side stat also balance between energy and str should be 1str/3ene(meaning 2str/6ene)>(3kstr/9kene) and so on try this boys my DL is doing very good like this so at 50 res your stats should be (8kstr 2/3k agi 17kene)<something like this i believe would pull out most dmg early from DL

    • Like 1

  9. 2 hours ago, myskpark said:

    Hello there
    I have the crit bonus in +0, is that a bug?
    All ok but with crit is like im naked


    Hello, no it's not a bug the crit bonus was bugged for a lot of abillities that have 10x+hits with small numbers like Slayer inertia & batflock etc. So it was put to 0 in the time being until decided what to do with it, don't worry this is intended to be 0 for now until it's fixed 🙂


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  10. 16 minutes ago, peekucis said:

    lets see... so, if 1k energy adds 70hp, then 32k energy adds 32*70=2240 hp. currently all i see on this server is unnecesery balancing which leads to all kinds of problems and more balance issues. so now we have super weak slayers and ragefighters, who cant level up on their own properly. somewhat usable bk, sm, summoners and gl, who have some of key skills nerfed for whatever reason. and super overpowered elfs, rune wizards and dark lords, who faceroll everything. sorry to say, but it becomes less and less pleasant to play here every day. features turned off, "class balance", unbalanced spots. i am sure alot of people agree with me. i hope you will think about this not just sweep it under a rug and tell me to find new server.

    Hey bro let me just help you figure it out, if 1 k energy adds 70 hp u must have 0 points put in to stamina, Buff scales with your MAX hp and Energy meaning the buff is good when u have a decent amount of hp + some energy for instance if u have 500 stam and 500 ene the buff would give way more than 70 hp. Also the buff probably doesn't Scale with bonus hp from SET BONUS meaning it's multiplying your base hp which is around 400-ish. Meaning 500 energy on 400hp = 70 hp . ( i could be totally wrong here) but i tried my best to explain it with my understanding of the game mechanics 😄

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