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Everything posted by harryhook

  1. HarryHook / Medea B9 C9 F4 F5 F6 G3 H3 I3 J10 J9
  2. alright apppreciate it a lot, its a very good info. Thanks again.
  3. I see, can u confirm if is also trash for sm? like more mana increase shield efficiency or is a fairy tale, also are you planning doing something with mana? like make it valuable for pve or pvp somehow? thanks again
  4. Well the main economy coin here is bons, you can buy pretty much anything with real money buying bons or just play slow and use zen etc. Anyway the server is S15 so it has a lot of content, think you will enjoy it >)
  5. Im wondering because I dont see it anywhere or at least nobody explain it, is just Max mana and Increase mana % only good in SM?, in another servers mana has value for ene elf since mana can increase the potential of the buff, but here I dont see it anywhere, someone please explain how it works please. Thanks
  6. Hmm I see, well here is way different hope they do something about it tho, feels kinda off to spend so much time gearing and leveling up a character, and i cant even have the option of being a glass cannon, die fast but do a lot of dmg, thats how it supposed to be or at least have the option of doing damage.. 🀣
  7. Hello, do u guys have any plans about balancing? the summoner right now is totally trash, a character that supposed to do a good damage, and right now she's only valuable as support die fast do no dmg...
  8. harryhook


    LMAO my ene elf does more damage than you, wtf AHAHHAAH
  9. harryhook


    Question, correct me if im wrong but why the bk is the only character who has combos? make no sense.
  10. harryhook

    B> set on MG

    have ba set, whats your name in discord?
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