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Everything posted by daan41k

  1. Faith/Medea 2-15 3-6 1-21 10-20 5-16 8-36 13-30 18-29 14-19 17-32
  2. Need to make something with HR system. Rewards from it isn't so interesting, therefore people just sitting at 400 lvl, 215 res and farming zen. But it's a reset server. Only few of people doing it for nothing. If you need Ruud - 10k is too low, it's better to farm BC, DS, etc. Lottery coin - shit, the chance to receive something is really low, so 1 coin is nothing. 3 days buff - idk, but 1-1.5 days of farming for 3 days looks bad. It would be better to give it for 10-15 days, so people will do HR 2-3 times per month for it. So you really need to think about it. Some interesting rewards can give something to do here, instead of farming zen all the day.
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