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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    It is best to most likely be 1 . At that time, fighting will be more fiery and attractive
  2. 1 point
    hmmm. i remember reading someone name kanade got ban perma because his friend or something used hack with his acc? maybe we should take it as a case study and place ban on ACC instead of asking who actually use it? just a thought
  3. 1 point
    3 in 1 best solution. What a point to keep sega idk. You try to make 2 servs main but like you see here its no possible. So just merge all in 1 and keep only 1 main - prime serv.
  4. 1 point
    You are a bit outdated. X500 characters are a bit weaker then x100 and x5k have most geared players)) but anyways the best strategy would be merging all servers in one now for now. Long story short. Dragon players wants to join Prime. And that was known before Dragon launching that it will go to Prime in the end. But I really don’t understand why some people from Sega voted “no” for merging with Prime too… Like there is literally 15-20 people playing, mostly maxed, why do they want to stay in completely dead server with dead market ? What’s the point ? If all three servers now merge into one and launch this month new low rate it would be best solution. Even for newcomers seeing at the website Prime with online 500-600 would be better then now ~200 which btw need to divide by 3 to see real online. Anyone who voted from Sega “no” are hopeless noobs ! #mergeallservers
  5. 1 point
    keep calm, wait for 10-15min before trying again. sometimes client not closed properly it is still running in the background. and try to launch straight from the main in the file.
  6. 0 points
    The "maruko..." accounts I use to store mostly unused items for farming. I hope you'll take a look and unblock me. You can track your login history
  7. 0 points
    Today - +/- 11.05 After purchasing the item jewel of luck for wc (in x-shop) and further adding it to wing for RW lvl3 - luck was not added, and the jewel itself disappeared. two were purchased, and eventually successfully added to wings for GN and lost for wing RW
  8. 0 points
    srv now about 20 to 30 people are actually playing. The other bots have not been cleaned up yet
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