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xp party

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Sometimes i join a pt and have terible xp, i guess from gap lvl when i am low, the other members noone was close to 400 and i was 180. Today i joined to a pt i was getting very good xp, my lvl was 395 and suddenly i check and i was receiving very low, the only difference was one member had disconected and we were 4 people at the spot instead 5,i dont join to pt if there is a member more than 400 lvl, i dont have train my ML. Whats going on?Even with gap lvl instead 120k i receive 10k, is not normal. First time i see so huge difference in a server with that kind of rate.

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if the player who  has disconected is party leader, that mean all 4 make KS  to each other. or maybe some1 from party have ML lvl

Nothing, just nothing

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True, the party leader was dc


Or sometimes i dont get any xp at all. Happens now 390 lvl, when i join pt was fine. Forgot to mention that.

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Party matching system have a lot of problems. The IGCN team already said that they will make a complete rework of this system. 

Usually, if your party met exp problems, you need to recreate a party, or the party leader should make a switch character.


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Why is this difference in XP between the 2 char? 
The IK get same XP (252K) without party too.


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2 hours ago, wookey88 said:


Why is this difference in XP between the 2 char? 
The IK get same XP (252K) without party too.


Exp scales down with rr amount. The more rr you have the less exp you get.
Check this table:



As you can see XMEN has 3resets, it means it gets 200exp (529200).
MYSTIC has 53 resets, it means it gets 100exp (252000).

Your IK should get the half exp(+- % from pt bonus or etc.), so the system works well. :classic_smile:

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