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[X5000] Sell DW Max Upgrade

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Feel like there is nothing left to play. I want to sell my DW character.


Apocalypse Set +15+ JOH (5 Items)
Dark Devil Socket 400 Set + 15 + JOH, Shield Socket 400 + 15 (All Seed LV6) 
Venom Set + 15 + JOH + PVP
Lyra + 15 + Punish (All Rank 5)
Harp +15 + Para ( All Rank 5)
Artifact + 10 All
Earing 3 L-R FO + 15
Nix Rings + 7 (3 op)
Pendant 3 op
MUX Bri Staff, Shield + 15 + PVP + JOH
Wing 4 +15 +Ignore 5% (Elemental Def LV8)
Guardian: Demon +1, Fox Rare + 15 (4op), Pet Muun Evo Def+Atk.

Price: Let me know your offer.


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