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ThE ReAl oTvErTkA 1337 @_@

MG/GUN range - no count dmg bug

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STR MG has super low skill range 1-3 (with buff 2-4) when all classes have 6(+1 Majestic) and elves 8
The problem starts when enemy is running and you see skill animation but do no dmg at all. Its not miss/dodge/block its just skill in air (which you cant cast without target in range)
also sometimes skills do not auto step-forward when attack in PVP which is more terrible when someone run, so you just stay and do nothing being a target dummy, because you dont have any gap-closer skills (maybe need to take AA sword with lunge i dont know)
Also no MUX or other two-handed weapon, which you could play with 6+1 range Fire Blood. So you can play only one stance - Crusher Charge. 

As description says in this skill:

So sould be 5+1 from majestic = 6 on Chaos Blade and 5 on Ice Blood

As it is in real (with crusher charge buff + have +1 extra range in majestic)

It gives only +2 range and basic is 1 instead of 3.

Your server guides on forum says what ENE mg not exist on this server but looks like STR MG not exist, because ENE mg have same range as all other classes

Also similar problem with not registering damage was with gunner - when you add +1 range in majestic tree (from 6 to 7 range) you just do no dmg at max range, so this skill "upgrade" only ruins your skill, but you cant skip it.

Should it be like this and this class is unplayable or please fix this, because its super unfair that this is only class with disability.

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33 минуты назад, zpepiroth сказал:

sounds like similar problem with IK. charge slash skill dont "jump" all the time.

cant even chase down enemy with it efficiently.

and similar to the max range, IK hits but does no dmg on PVP 

heard this from IK players aswell +++

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18 hours ago, ThE ReAl oTvErTkA 1337 @_@ said:

Also similar problem with not registering damage was with gunner - when you add +1 range in majestic tree (from 6 to 7 range) you just do no dmg at max range, so this skill "upgrade" only ruins your skill, but you cant skip it.

Like this, it's always or sometimes? 


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27 minutes ago, Arturs said:

Like this, it's always or sometimes? 

also check SL, bat flock never hits and just passes through enemy.. this skill is a debuff skill in combo with pierce , but what happens is that batflock dont hit then u hit your enemy pierce attack with low damage because bat and pierce havent mixed up to make a combo... this is very noticeable since SL now has very slow attack speed..

PS: given that batflock now has a very low damage(NERFED) and doesnt hit debuff properly, might as well revert back SLAYER, and give the attackspeed back OR revert back slayer to the one before it was given the Overpowered bat flock. :Tachi: 


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1 hour ago, ThE ReAl oTvErTkA 1337 @_@ said:

Not always, but very often so I had to level up only right side from majestic tree ignoring range and other increments after it

Often on the monsters in PVE, or in PvP? 

50 minutes ago, AEHPROM said:

also check SL, bat flock never hits and just passes through enemy.. this skill is a debuff skill in combo with pierce , but what happens is that batflock dont hit then u hit your enemy pierce attack with low damage because bat and pierce havent mixed up to make a combo... this is very noticeable since SL now has very slow attack speed..

PS: given that batflock now has a very low damage(NERFED) and doesnt hit debuff properly, might as well revert back SLAYER, and give the attackspeed back OR revert back slayer to the one before it was given the Overpowered bat flock. :Tachi: 


Is it on the maximum distance issue?
About debuff - in s19 formula has been changed and currently it can be used only in this way. I've already made a report to the IGCN about it.


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11 minutes ago, Arturs said:

Often on the monsters in PVE, or in PvP? 

Is it on the maximum distance issue?
About debuff - in s19 formula has been changed and currently it can be used only in this way. I've already made a report to the IGCN about it.

Often on the monsters in PVE, or in PvP?  

Is it on the maximum distance issue?


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1 час назад, Arturs сказал:

Often on the monsters in PVE, or in PvP? 

bothPVP and PVE. easiest way to reproduce is to start hit from more range, so character step-up until max range and then hit no dmg



on MG it happens with power slash and flame strike, but both skills useless

PS. happy to see im not the only one with this issue and we start urgent topic

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15 minutes ago, ThE ReAl oTvErTkA 1337 @_@ said:

Here how it looks like from my perspective, totally same with gunner but on bigger range. So I clearly miss aroung 10 hits on slowed enemy and no dmg untill he stops moving at all

Yes, it's incredibly frustrating. Sometimes I get right next to an enemy and still have a hard time hitting them. This mostly happens when both I and the target are moving. I'm writing from the gunner's perspective.



Look at how many times I had to shoot before I finally landed a hit. The next mob spawned just a little further than where I landed my shot and still got hit. There is a problem: when the gunner attacks something at maximum range, it takes a while for the hit to be registered. Even when target moves closer.

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15 минут назад, zpepiroth сказал:

eng pls


he says that we spend a lot of resources and bonuses to make MG with swords

we did str because forum said ENE mg not working, but ENE mg is much better option even without havoc - he has normal range atleast. Sad thing we had 2 kanade staffs and now we have this piece of garbage

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1) https://gyazo.com/fb0aaacd608d1e9e6a6d1b7c8b8979df
Range works as should. Without +range it works the same for me, it works on the maximum range + correct detect where need to stop and start using skill if character is outside of the range

2) https://gyazo.com/71c162051e61e8d3a947af0d42b45bcf
About exit from the safezone. It's not a skill issue, this is a mu engine. Not correct synchronize.

3) https://gyazo.com/1625933ab85b2fa69931addf4927e0de
Same with the energy skill with the higher range

4) https://gyazo.com/6aecd199bce30e03c91692f490287646
But no problem if character starts outside of the safezone

5) https://gyazo.com/94cd45507f3cb47c39b2c2e78ed54598
Batflock also can't reach the target, when he is running

6) https://gyazo.com/705fe0211a3d24280e16136efa1d9b6c
But in some cases - it's working as should

7) About Ice and Chaos skills wrong range - it's a wrong description, some things have been missing since we migrated from one season to another. 4 is the maximum range.
MG is a close-range character. Let's save some diversity in a game between close and long-range characters. :) 

So, what i can say? All issues like this, FPS issue - will be fixed only when IGCN is done with their own game client. How much time this can take - no one knows

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