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Everything posted by moregank

  1. Hey, as i new player i wanted to answer some things aswell from what i've seen in this post ๐Ÿ˜„ @Devil 4/ Not sure what is nonsense, when everyone has atleast some twinks. I guess it "makes sense" for you to create a new mail just for registration ? Sounds more like a joke to me, ngl ๐Ÿ˜… 6/ About spots on maps i agree, there's no exploring happening as you might thing. People just find 1 spot randomly and stay there, i'm pretty sure thats what most of new players do. New players want to get some resets and gear, not "exploring" the map of 20 years old game that probably everyone already knows from start to bottom. 9/ Not all the new players want to do quests, since u dont even have boots to run, you're crawling like a snail to get somewhere. I stopped at quest n.4 since i couldnt find the mobs i needed and walking for all dungeon without mount/decent boots is just a waste of time @Arturs Yes but you could add to DS/BC mobs that spawn and give ruud after killing them. For example i saw Horses (white/green/brown) or snails They spawn and give ruud/jewels. The difference is the quantity of spawn (DS1- max 40/DS7- max 100) and the frequency of the colors: ex. white gives 300 ruud, green 500, brown 700. in DS1 most of spawned are white, in DS7 its 50-50 green/brown P.s. I'm giving this ruud numbers just as an example
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