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Posts posted by Arturs

  1. 4 hours ago, minhhoan said:

    i dont sell zen coin to shop ?

    Yes. Put zen coins into the virtual vault and create a ticket, they will be exchanged for the zen back

  2. 3 hours ago, banzaii said:

    my all items from vault gone.... on warehause 0-2 i ve got a lot expensive items....(2x exe bone blades.....) (items from dragon server gone)

    All items from vaults were transferred to the virtual vault. Check virtual vault.

  3. 29 minutes ago, fapzilla22 said:

    I have had set in market and the staff has been floating between game vault and virtual vault while i decide what to do with it. both set and staff has been on my account for months though. I made trade today and had to trade back because harmony was all gone. 

    Please check a ticket.

  4. 14 minutes ago, zhelobb said:

    Thanks for fixing this @Arturs

    But after this fix I have another issue, not sure if it's related with your debugging, but my character now does no dmg to Crywolf mobs (only elemental dmg, i can still kill them, just takes... 5-8x longer). Another weird thing I've noticed (after your debug/fixing), i completed another rr and tried the quest again - but at lvl ~360 ish my dmg went downhill -> from... 16-18k per hit to 50-300 per hit (elemental dmg remained intact however). 

    I am not sure about the second part, first character on this server this high, maybe the extra stats from the extra rr is causing an overflow that is normal? But the crywolf absolutely no dmg part is weird since before I was able to dmg just normal.


    By crywolf no dmg part i mean that all I do is <miss> -> every single shot; only elemental dmg is unchanged and goes through


    Edit: i have made no changes regarding gear, everything is repaired, I checked everything I could think of -> agi is max, str 20k in, tried unequipping/equipping every item, imp/no imp. Nothing changes

    i've noticed it when I connected to your character, and this is strange. 
    Later will figure out why it was that.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Skedi said:

    Raziel was never a char on skedi1
    always was Razor on skedi1 and now is -Blang1801
    can u just put that mg with name Razor the name that he had before Raziel?
    the owner himself (StaticX) said that he didnt had Razor char and now that name appear on hes account

    Oh wrong said. Razor was on account Skedi1. And because on Prime already was character Razor, "Razor" from sega receive -Blang nickname.

  6. 1 hour ago, ma4o0 said:

    1.Login dungdhqb  im disconnected server time 22:26-and Lost artifact types -type4(ene option)/type 1(elm.attack.succes rate)/type2(Defense Succes rate)/type5 dmg reduction

    All with 5 levels.one of this level 2(i think type 1)


    Lost artifacts in the game vault.

  7. 13 minutes ago, ctmht11 said:

    1. acc keobolo1 and keobolo2
    2. I lost 2 accounts after merging.
                                                                  Please help me check again


    10 hours ago, taolinn said:

    1. Login of your account: taolinn2
    2. Describe the prob
    lem: not migrated 

    I see your characters on the Prime server. All looks fine.

  8. 19 hours ago, Skedi said:

    Login: Skedi
    Issue: DK set +15 lost harmony option
    and i was in ashy lottery list with Finixx, now it say that i need 75k again :)

    Login: Skedi2
    Issue: Sunlight and Dark master sets +15 lost harmony option


    16 hours ago, Farvetto said:

    1. Login of your account: farvetto
    2. Describe the problem: Red spirit set +15+pvp lost harmony option (set in vault)


    4 hours ago, nauseda said:

    1. Login of your account: rawsalo
    2. Describe the problem: t7 set lost all the harmony options



  9. 5 hours ago, zhelobb said:

    Attempting 3rd class quest, 2nd part -> killing 20 of each of the 3 types of mobs in Crywolf Barracks.

    Balram (Trainee Soldier) -> counted correctly

    Death Spirit (Trainee Soldier) -> doesn't count, no matter how many I kill.

    Soram (Trainee Soldier) -> doesn't count, no matter how many I kill.


    Tried teleporting to other maps and coming back.

    Tried relogging.

    Tried completing the rr, level back to 400 and try the quest again.


    Are there any workarounds to this?


    Edit: I should also probably mention that this quest was accepted before the merge of the servers, but same issue happened before the merge as well, thought nothing of it -> thought i should try after the merge, but it is still happening. 


    i will connect to your character to see and resolve an issue.

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