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Everything posted by leszek151

  1. but ok i went a bit off topic. i just mean spirit stone i think there should be a better chance of success them with items tier 3 like legendary, dragon, (box +3 ) like red stone anubis eni etc.
  2. yes sure πŸ˜‰ but no1 even wants to try with this chance to succes. i find is 60% and need w3 +13 to creat feather... ;D and only 40% co creat w4. no wonder they prefer w3 +15. as already for the same w2 w3 you need so many attempts you have to do and be lucky πŸ˜‰
  3. because that is the mechanics of the game in web. and that there is a way to cheat this mechanic with jol. it doesnt change that the basic mechanics are weak. and blue stones like red are also needed in the further development of wings.
  4. i noticed it while talking about it. i still not mention how many of them you need to make 1 attempt per w3 . i see in this server we have w4... but all high rr ppl do w3 +15. i think is too expensive and to little chance to succes only 1 trial. to do feather...destroing w3, droping condor, stentile, itp
  5. yes and i say for midlevel players with some rr we cant have highest grade items. and not posible to progress. only wait for hight char take box +5 and sell this or sell wings. i think this stone is to hard. to people do for himself wings 2lvl. example for me is hard to do Legendary shield to +9+35+L but dark soul or similar is not achievable. (and this is try for couple stones) and i think if i need items lvl like dark soul or darkphenix exe for blue stone is little to hight cost.for some 2-4 stone when u need so much more this stone. πŸ˜„ becouse have low chance u combinate to create matching wings πŸ˜‰ always need do 3-4 wings trials.
  6. I would like to suggest that changing exe/acc items to magic stone (in goblin) is to low. to the wings 2lvl need a lot of magic stone (blue one) and i give to goblin exe legendary shield +9+L+35 and machine say only 1-3 magic stone. we need too very high even final set item exe to have more this stones. and these stones are for only 2lvl wings. and only high rr char can afford it (box kundun +5) this same for red stone from acc items. middle levels and rr players cant progress only wait for some1 sell wings. and small sugestion why feather for 2lvl wings dont drop in icarus like everywhere?
  7. okey Devil ok i understand it. however, the most I do not understand this dmg reduction in relation to meteors strike and storm. i know storm is AoE and strike singiel target but meteor strike in skill tree can have incresing range dmg and add dmg first point give 103dmg but in storm first point add 23 dmg... and with this reduction meteor storm is useless with this dmg.
  8. SM have 3 lines dmg but still if u have 20k x3 =60k but kundun can have only 2 lines... 2x100k dmg still so much better. and you still low his dmg becouse this AoE . all class have AoE skills. in BC this see nice how fast destroy the gate and the statue. sm bk or elf okey i understand one character must be the worst πŸ™‚
  9. dont answer here if u play on serwer x5000. u have diffrends settings.
  10. hey, why dmg meteor strom is so low. have SM 38rr and 20k ene on mobs kanturu 3 have dmg exe only 22k. but with meteor strike exe dmg 45k. why dmg meteor storm is sooooooo LOW, in charakter stats on energi "magic dmg" have same on meteor strom and strike ~~(3800- 7500) +10000 frend have kundun mag on 6k ene and have exe dmg 25k (with close equal staff) . i have 3 time more energi and SM have less dmg. this is soooo frustration SM is so weeek. i think this is becouse of basic atack dmg of scroll and his scaling. scroll have 90-150 dmg basic. but like elf or bk haves weepons on 1000dmg and my staff with 200% more... still have 270-450 so much less then dmg wepons. can we do with this somethink becosue play SM is so annoing when see this diffrences on charakter. ps. dont say maybe he equal in pvp. (i dont try) and settings on pvp and pve can be diffrent.
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