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Everything posted by Beasty

  1. Pets also don't level up if you have 400 basic level.
  2. Maybe you don't have enough of command? Or your character might be 400 level.
  3. Да, просто excellent хватает.
  4. We have got our winners! There were 19 people participating and a total of 82 solves of the puzzle. Our 10 winners are: - Maksi / Medea / 08:53 - 80 bonuses - odeccit / Prime / 09:37 - 65 bonuses - Fearoth / Medea / 09:53 - 40 bonuses 4 - Morphine / Medea / 10:57 - 20 bonuses 5 - JinMori / Medea / 13:22 - 20 bonuses 6 - Gaming / Medea / 15:26 - 20 bonuses 7 - DanChoiNB / Medea / 17:27 - 20 bonuses 8 - STFU / Medea / 18:02 - 20 bonuses 9 - Draakon / Medea / 20:42 - 20 bonuses 10 - K9Stork / Medea / 21:20 - 20 bonuses Congratulations to all winners and thank you all for taking part! See you on the future events!
  5. What do you mean close the map? 😄 What are you even writing... I never said I'm the only one allowed to farm there, it's a pvp map lol, I didn't even kill anyone before they started to kill me, I'm not against peaceful players. All you say is that "I abuse my power" how come? What power? What are you referring to, I don't understand you.
  6. Тут и так легко фармить из-за Auto Helperа, поставил аккаунта и забыл про него. Как по мне это лучше а то оделись бы все за неделю, и что дальше.
  7. Usually random in this kind of situation refers to 100 units or 100 items in this case. For ghost horse it's 100% success rate when you get 10 sculptures from Scorched Canyon, you will have ghost horse 100%. Honestly you can just ask Arturs and he will explain you that I am not administrator and I don't have any permissions that would help me in any way in-game so why would I not be allowed to play, I was playing for months before I was Senate but now you seem to pay attention to that, why? I don't get it. All my job is to entertain players, help newbies and members with something they don't know. I'm not playing since opening, I started playing when server was already opened for 4 months but drop chance of condor flame hasn't changed since opening, about every change there is in-game you can read in news topics when there is an update.
  8. 1. I farmed it lol, I've been there for 3 days already with 5 accounts 😂 I don't even have permissions to give myself items or something like that, I'm a Quest Master not Game Master. 2. I was in Arena for few days, as I said people don't get it's a pvp game and they just start crying. I had all of my items before I was even a Senate, I'm only Senate for few weeks now so get your facts straight before accusing someone of something. 3. It's just different from season 3, it's how it is on season 15, when you pvp for some time you get used to it...
  9. All I really hear here is crying without any facts 1. Administrator is not involved in gameplay, you are mixing up things. Seems you are refering to me as a administrator, but I'm not, there is difference between administrator and senate. I was playing long before I was senate... 2. Chaos Machine is complete random, you can fail at 90% and success at 20%, it's how it works, sometimes you get 5 fails in a row on 80%. 3. It's only normal that rare items are rare if that makes sense 😛 If they wouldn't be rare what would be the point of it for example on Prime all players who play there for a long time are either with 3rd or 4th wings already anyways. It's only a question of time. 4. Again, I'm not a administrator, being quest master and community helper doesn't help me in any way, -EnvY- has nothing to do with being administrator, he just called his guild "Admin", what are you even thinking... It's only normal that you pvp on castle siege or did I miss something? As for arena prices, the prices seem to be ok, I got more than 1 million points in few days but I'm not farming anymore because way too many people think it's not a pvp game and complain all the time. 5. Balance is being looked into and it will be changed around in the near future, it's been said many times now, just wait a little. 6. I don't really understand what you mean here by Fenrir or Horse.
  10. It's a pvp game or so I thought. + I'm not killing everyone, I killed you because you took my spot when I went away for 5 minutes...
  11. Там просто очень мало шансов что выпадет, бывает что неделю не падает и потом за 1 день 3 выпадают.
  12. Beasty

    ingame quest

    Bonuses are given out by Arturs every week, be patient.
  13. Everything should work fine now, there was some issue with your characters page on website.
  14. Events are now over and we got our 15 wins! Winners go as follows: Guess the item Esmagol Majkie Esmagol SouleR SouleR Tell the price Anhtuuu Anhtuuu Esmagol Majkie SouleR Choose the word SouleR Khal SouleR SouleR Esmagol Thank you all for participating!
  15. Sculpture should work just fine
  16. No Update: Just got a fourth one 😛 Five already...
  17. I have 2 sculptures currently, I'm only farming since yesterday but seems that Arturs increased drop rate even more so will see how it goes. EDIT: I actually got another one, so it's 3 in 12 hours 😄
  18. Tomorrow (17/11/2020) 18:00 in-game events will be hosted! There will be three events taking place: 1. Guess the item 2. Tell the price 3. Choose the word About rules and how events will take place I will explain in-game just before events will start. There will be a total of 15 wins (5 wins each event), each win gets you 20 bonuses. Hope to see you there!
  19. Hello everyone! Today I'm bringing to your attention event called "Solve the puzzle". I hope you will like it. An image from in-game will be taken and made into a puzzle. What you will need to do: 1) If you haven't already register on jigidi website, use your in-game or forum nickname. (Click here) 2) Solve the puzzle as fast as you can. 3) When you finished solving the puzzle, you have to provide: your nickname on jigidi / in-game nickname / server / your result of solving the puzzle For example: Beasty / -Beasty- / Prime / 17:43 Post your results down below! You can solve the puzzle as many times as you wish, the fastest time will be taken. If you have already posted your result down below make sure to edit it if you solve the puzzle more than once. If you don't register on the jigidi website your result will not count! There will be 10 winners in total: - 80 bonuses - 65 bonuses - 40 bonuses People who get 4th - 10th places will get 20 bonuses each. "Solve the puzzle" starts now and will end on Wednesday (18/11/2020) 23:59:00 Link to puzzle - Click here Good luck!
  20. Event is now over and we have our winners! There were 51 people participating and a total of 150 guesses. 32 people won 1120 bonuses. DanChoiNB / Medea - 60 Lyna / Medea - 20 DZIVNIEKS / Medea - 30 Pennywis3 / Medea - 30 Draakon / Medea - 30 OniChan / Medea - 30 WhatAHell / Medea - 30 STFU / Medea - 40 Sick / Medea - 30 Indo / Medea - 20 iCANFLYYYY / Medea - 30 u1Glad / Medea - 20 CayTien / Medea - 50 Banhdz / Medea - 40 Morphine / Medea - 50 TyCy / Medea - 20 kocsispeti / Medea - 30 AbramDL / Medea - 50 Condey / Medea - 30 AgilityWiz / Prime - 80 Fearoth / Medea - 30 Sion / Medea - 40 WizzZyke / Medea - 30 HorusMG / Prime - 20 JesteElfem / Medea - 40 XxxxxxxxX / Prime - 30 Mruk / Medea - 20 Maksi / Medea - 20 Suicidal / Medea - 40 Verse / Medea - 20 ChiPheo / Medea - 70 Yoda / Medea - 40 Congratulations to all winners and thank you all for taking part! See you on the future events!
  21. 10% defense would give you around 1000 defense if you have 10k defense but ghost horse givers you 2300 defense, how come it's for pve only?
  22. That's the exact point of it, it will be a rare item, it doesn't mean that everyone has to craft it or need it.
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