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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hello everyone. On the eve of "'Big changes" update. With next update as we could read sockets items will be one of the best items not only beacuse their options like ''block rating increase'' but now because of set items bonus too. But as we all know - get socket items in our server is pain it the a** but not as big as making seeds... If you can get socket items from boxes that drop from bosses or buy from someone coz nobody really collected them before. Now it's gambler too (God damn him) Then seeds you can only craft. And here comes the real topics purpose... Sorry for so dromatic offtop. Here's the real information for those who wants to start making seeds for socket sets. Im making seeds for a some time here, about for 3 months, not only making seeds of course but almost all jewels I got I spend on seeds (not buying, only collect). And.. Here's the screenshot with seeds i made so far - Seeds made alredy To not bother you with counting - on this screenschot is... 192 seeds I made so far, and there is another 9 seeds that is not at this screenshot (those seeds are what I really needed) So it's 201 seed, and as you know for 1 seed we need - 8 jewels (bless or soul if you are lucky) to upgrade exc and anc item; 1 harmony ; 1 creation; 1 chaos So for this seeds I spent - 1608 b/s (actually its more coz I used souls a lot and they burn, but we will count as blesses or 100% succeed on souls); 201 harmony; 201 creation; 201 anc item; 201 chaos. And what this post is all about. About seeds that you want to get - "Damage Decrease" "Block rating increase" "Damage reflection" As you remember I said that on screenshot there's no 9 seeds. So as you understand those 9 seeds from 201 is - 7x "Block rating increase" 2x "Damage reduction" (Damage reflection is not so rare I got 11) So I made 201 seed and got 2 DD seeds. As we can see chance to get DD seed is 1/100. And you will need 5 at least or 6 (if you not DL and your class shield exsist in socket box drop) I think this information will be pretty useful for those who didn't start this jorney in deep a**hole yet and will think twice to start it at all. Maybe you better go with RUUD set with harmony and kill those who spent a lot of time on making seeds 😉 P.S. Vesna - is DL socket shield in drop? Never seen it yet. Maybe because DL got only 400lvl shield butboxes drop only 380 lvl? P.S.S There's GL's shield in drop in Kubera mine 😉
  2. 1 point
    you can create your own party pressins "N" you dont actually need to use another account or invite someone else to the party
  3. 1 point
    Agree. Socket sets > Mastery sets ( Awakening and Higher ) > PVP Sets > Mastery sets ( Holyangel and lower ) > The rest excellent sets. Mastery Sets ( Ruud Sets ) Don't need Harmony, they must be mostly for Higher DMG , not for def, they can't be OP in everything.
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