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Experience Drop After Season 20 Update

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After the Season 20 update, experience gain feels much lower, making it really hard to progress, especially with the Rising Hero.

Could you please review this and consider adjustments? It’s becoming discouraging for many players.

Anyone else facing the same issue?


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I don't find anything wrong, expsystem file and monster experience are the same. 

Let's check the logs. I see that you made HRP on 20th January and today. Do you feel like it's much slower now? I can investigate these 2 HRP in logs as a good example?

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Yes, it's noticeably slower.
A few other people who are also doing RHs have reported the same issue in our Discord channel. I’d appreciate it if you could investigate the logs.
Thanks for looking into this!


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I found my ticket about this extra exp thing, it was in Nov20, ticket number: 2256
It was about party give more exp than without party, and you say its all ok.

For example: Lvlup to 400 with vip IN party was like 1mob / 1lvl (PRIME server)
WITHOUT party it was same spot 1mob/1lvl up to 360, than 2mob/1lvl to 400

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Can confirm I have noticed it is definitely slower. Currently doing Hero Reset but yeah, much slower than it was last week.

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1 hour ago, santacruz said:

Im not saying this is the problem but last week we had extra exp from servers dc issues so maybe thats why we feel lower exp

true, but yeah I should clarify I don't mean only last week. since update before this one HR has always been much faster

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True. Normally it takes 12 hours to reach 400 hrs in sv King x100. After update, it take more than 20 hours

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17 hours ago, kristens said:

Does the VIP adds 25% exp? Also leveling with VIP now feels slower. Idk, mby you can check this.

Yes. If you see VIP Status set to: [Gold] this means, that your experience * 1.25.
Buff has only visual descriptions, but for real, buffs give only 5% of damage and absorption.

2 hours ago, santacruz said:

Im not saying this is the problem but last week we had extra exp from servers dc issues so maybe thats why we feel lower exp


1) First exp - no guildbuff and no VIP
2) Second exp - guildbuff 20%
3) Third exp - VIP + guildbuff 20%

So yes. Extra exp, second half of week - higher guild buff bonus. 

And now I'm going to check logs

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did you read my report? something was with party, it was like golden party exp all time
the exp bar was not go up to 9, i levelup  when it reached 4, and it was in party
without party all time go up 9

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10 minutes ago, Orbitron said:

did you read my report? something was with party, it was like golden party exp all time


17872 - from my last screen. I've in party all the time, but party members were in other location
18762 - 2 members come, bronze party = +5% exp. Match
17872 - when I've discarded the party. 

There is a possibility that BEFORE, there was some exp bug. Now all cases looks good.

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i mean the party, when i was ALONE in party i got exp bar to4 than levelup, without party exp bar to9 than lvlup
You can login to a s19 testserver, and try what im saying

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6 minutes ago, Orbitron said:

i mean the party, when i was ALONE in party i got exp bar to4 than levelup, without party exp bar to9 than lvlup
You can login to a s19 testserver, and try what im saying


now i have the same exp

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18 hours ago, Naive said:

Yes, it's noticeably slower.
A few other people who are also doing RHs have reported the same issue in our Discord channel. I’d appreciate it if you could investigate the logs.
Thanks for looking into this!


20.01 - s19 and extra exp from compensation
[05:17:30] [Party] Experience : Map[Atlans]-(217,129) [Naive](116) Experience: 15217333 + 8583  MonsterClass : 48
[05:18:19] [GUILD INFO] Request GuildBuff Info [1157] 15302 1 361 = 0% exp buff

21.01 - s20 without extra exp
[17:48:58] [Party] Experience : Map[Atlans]-(217,128) [Naive](116) Experience: 15208750 + 7428  MonsterClass : 48
[17:49:24] [GUILD INFO] Request GuildBuff Info [1157] 15291 1 4624 = 4624 / 500 = 9.24 +10% (BM) = 10.17% exp buff

EXP calculation it self is a little chaos, but +\- calculations are okay. Same level, same monster, but different conditions.
Also, I have checked other characters who are level up on the same monster, and the same reset, and level - results are +\- the same. 

[02:27:40] [Party] Experience : Map[Atlans]-(232,175) [Evil](108) Experience: 12468958 + 8482  MonsterClass : 48 <-- have VIP (s20)
[11:19:32] [Single] Experience : Map[Atlans]-(230,176) [Zygfrid](116) Experience: 15268635 + 8555  MonsterClass : 48 -< not have VIP, but date when comensation exp have been on). Also, single without party, but exp is the same

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experience bar: the line under the skills, i waas talking about that.
in party, solo exp bar go to 1-2-3-4 - lvlup
no party solo exp bar go to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-lvlup
nothing with the experience numbers
the experience BAR was the thing

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On 1/23/2025 at 11:50 PM, Orbitron said:

experience bar: the line under the skills, i waas talking about that.
in party, solo exp bar go to 1-2-3-4 - lvlup
no party solo exp bar go to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-lvlup
nothing with the experience numbers
the experience BAR was the thing

Can confirm this also - thought it was strange. For example if you are in party but the only character on spot, this would happen.


Any news on this?

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On 1/23/2025 at 2:50 PM, Orbitron said:

experience bar: the line under the skills, i waas talking about that.
in party, solo exp bar go to 1-2-3-4 - lvlup
no party solo exp bar go to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-lvlup
nothing with the experience numbers
the experience BAR was the thing

3 times left on AFK for a few hours in different classes, one without a party and the second one in a party with different variations. Result same.

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I have a problem problem with exp.  I have 2 pj. one have 22 resets (Zyon)and the other have 17 (Estropajo).

Usually I make party with both caracters to lvl up fast. I notice that the pj with higher lvl "Stole" exp from the others with less lvl.

I use this to pump up my caracter with higher lvl so I make reset in shorter time. when I do the rest, I make party again and now this pj receive less exp and the other pj is the new "Higher lvl"

After my 20th reset with zion I notice something strange. Estropajo have in that moment 14 resets i think. suddenly estropajo make resets much faster (still in party). so I Started checking exp separately (without party). In mi last experiment both caracter with in the same spot (kanturu2) Estropajo receive an average of 260k exp per mob. While Zion is gaining 179k per mob (even the gold was reduced, Both caracters have 5 items with zen.).



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