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bonus from server back to Web

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No, it can't. The reason is simple - web bonuses are supposed to be like "universal" currency between all servers. For that reason, when you are going to withdraw them to specific server, there is message which says that VIP can be purchased only for web bonuses. This is the only one service that require web bons. Other services need server bons. 


Some people keep asking about the way to exchange them back, but as far as I know, there won't be that kind of exchanger.


You have one way to do it, by trading with other players. Depending on current market ratio WEB:SRV, might be 1:2, 1:3 and so on. You offer server bons for web bons and someone might be interested in that trade.

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3 часа назад, anton9631 сказал:

is there a way to transfer bonus from Server back to Web ? trying to buy VIP account.

If you accidentally withdrew bonuses to the server and forgot to buy VIP, create a ticket to the support and we will help you.

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7 hours ago, Drakonis said:

If you accidentally withdrew bonuses to the server and forgot to buy VIP, create a ticket to the support and we will help you.

created a ticket :)

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