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About jeffyss

  • Rank
    Yeti from Devias
  1. jeffyss

    How long to reset?

  2. jeffyss

    How long to reset?

    How long to reset? Or is there any npc that cleans pk?
  3. not skill Scroll of Critical Damage drop in tarkan 2?
  4. Does Anyone Know Which Monster Kills to Drop Chaotic Skill? After a while I managed to drop Karutan.
  5. Encontrei um lugar bom pra dropar, atlants 2 em HIDRA
  6. Onde dropa Uniria? Percentual de queda... Pra conseguir alguns skill e itens importante ate de quest precisamos voar a icarus, para os noob essa e a única possibilidade então onde dropa Horn of Uniria pra transformar de dimorant.
  7. Aqui também, só demorou um pouco.
  8. This mob is buggy, you can't drop item(Flame of Death)for the quest class att
  9. jeffyss

    Skill drop

    Onde dropa skill Fire Scream?
  10. jeffyss


    vixi, mas é pra evitar macros né only ENGLISH!
  11. jeffyss


    how do you reset the character? tried /reset command didn't work
  12. jeffyss


    how to reset?
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