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About allbig

  • Rank
    Death Tree from Aida

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  1. When right cliecking on box it just drops and drops other box thats same Char name - Faze
  2. @Arturs I have enough stats to wear this weapon but it won't let me wear it, it disappears and reappears - I bought it through personal store
  3. Close topic solved, downloaded s18
  4. This comes up straight after I press launch, and is also bound to Main.exe
  5. It still doesn't work so can easy add it
  6. Trade/Sell W3 MG Without opts, just plain 3rd wings for MG
  7. allbig

    ML bug

    LeoTran | Sega | missing one point
  8. LeoTran | Sega 1R - 2R - 3L - 4R - 5L - 6L - 7R - 8L - 9R - 10R
  9. 1. LeoTran 2. Sega 3. [In-game events] SEGA x100 [24/01/2023] - Events - MUX Legend Community
  10. allbig


    What Items Will make me hit stronger? And How much ? I have royal scepter so I'm lacking maybe 2% due to no opt, we dont count EXE as DMG because im talking avg usual dmg What else Set bonus? i got 16% so what like 9-10 more is max ? Thats 11-12% more dmg - Thats not even close - Majestic levels - maybe but I tested it against slayer with no Majestic levels his hit is 4 times bigger than mine. with worse weapons, So what ? what will increase MY damage at least 3 times so I would compare to shit geared Slayer for example. I just see big problem in competing later on for prizes in Ashy or Trying to kill other valuable mobs, also Chaos Castle - DL das no advantage that everyone is talking about. I want someone from Administration to actually sum up the things and check why DL has such disadvantage? If I'm noob MG with average gear and weapon, I can still compere in most of events, kill someone or kill mobs fast, if you are average DL you stand No chance competing anywhere, you need ton of HP so that mobs don't kill you, so you cant use stats efficiently also you cant get max stats, there are so many reasons having so little in Dmg results in poor gameplay, I dont understand people who whine that ooh this killed me that killed me! Thats exactly why i'm saying that I'm not trying to kill someone stronger ! I have problems participating in most events and boss mob killing because i have NO DMG and all DL's have NO DMG compared to ANY other CLASS
  11. allbig


    Did you read what I wrote ?? I cant even do events BECAUSE DL DOENST HAVE DAMAGE OR YOU CANT READ? ELF HITS 3x what DL max out hits NOT TALKING ABOUT OHHH THIS GUY IS STRONG LIKE YOU ARE WHINING , just saying FIX what doesn't WORK
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