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Everything posted by NastyTradeMark

  1. I did have a pve build at that point, that's before i reset my stats and bk dmg on mobs is lower than rf dmg for example, my rf with 2nd wings hits up to 1.4kk on mobs (on certain builds)... that doesn't mean is good in pvp. Str dmg and Ene dmg work differently on this server.
  2. 1. Monsters too strong 2. NastyDark 3. 15/04/21 - 18:21 server time 4. bahamuts in normal atlans seem to have same defence as abyss of atlans mobs
  3. In acheron half the screen is black and can't click on black side
  4. 1. Visual bug 2. NastyDark 3. today, anytime 4. in elbeland half of my screen is grey, only elbeland In acheron half the screen is black and can't click on black side
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